Missionary inspires and educates local churches to better follow the Great Commission by providing trusted resources to prepare them to send missionaries to peoples who have never heard of Christ.

Missionary Films
Discover the extraordinary stories of faith and perseverance in Missionary: Obeying the Great Commission, an inspiring film and teaching series that explores the lives of trailblazing missionaries throughout church history.
Uncover the essence of biblical missions and learn valuable lessons from these remarkable individuals, as they demonstrate the transformative power of the gospel.
Words are important, especially on the mission field. Use our glossary to gain a solid understanding of missions terminology.
A missionary is a person who has been called (internally and externally), to leave their home and travel across significant barriers, most often geographic, cultural, and especially linguistic, to plant or strengthen a church or churches. Their mission is to obey the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20, where Jesus tells us to go out and make disciples of all nations. Characterized by an instinct to evangelize, ability to endure hardship, they know their Bible well, and love Christ and His Church.