
All Things Are Ready

Ordained as a missionary on June 12th, 1744, David Brainerd abandoned the comforts of his settled life in Connecticut to bring the gospel to the Native American tribes along the frontiers of what were then the colonies of New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. It was a physically and emotionally taxing mission that Brainerd devoted his life to––he would die of consumptive tuberculosis only a few years later at the age of 29. Though his ministry was brief, Brainerd’s story inspired generations of missionaries, like William Carey, and their sending churches.

The spirit that animated Brainerd’s missionary devotion can be seen in the excerpt from Ebenezer Pemberton's sermon below. Pemberton, a pastor in New York, preached from Luke 14,

“And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled.” (Luke 14:23)

After powerfully illuminating the wonderful mystery of the gospel of Christ, Pemberton turned his focus to Brainerd’s duties as a missionary, and to the congregation’s as well.

Although it is old, this sermon is by no means a relic. Pemberton’s twofold application––to the missionary and to his sending church––is one the missionary movement desperately needs to recover today. The bond between “senders” and the “goer” ought to ignite the kind of thankfulness and affection we read in the letters of Paul. But just like in Paul’s letters, this relationship isn’t merely one of goods and services. The missionary enterprise, both in sending and going, is a salvation enterprise. And the work of going and the work of sending will be as filthy rags unless we do so fully participating in the benefits of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A Chosen Vessel

… It will now doubtless be expected, that I apply my discourse more immediately to the present occasion.

And suffer me, dear sir, in the first place to address myself to you, who are this day coming under a public consecration to the service of Christ, “to bear his name among the gentiles; to whom the Master is now sending you forth, to compel them to come in, that his house may be filled.” We trust you are a chosen vessel, designed for extensive service in this honorable though difficult employment. We adore the God of nature, who has furnished you with such endowments as suit you to this important charge. We adore the great Head of the church for the nobler gifts and graces of His Spirit; by which, we trust, you are enabled to engage in this mission with an ardent love to God, the universal Father of mankind, with a disinterested zeal for the honor of Christ, the compassionate friend of sinners, and with tender concern for the perishing souls of “a people that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death; who have for so many ages been wandering out of the way of salvation, without Christ, and without God in the world.”

The work of the ministry, in every place, has its difficulties and dangers, and requires much wisdom, fortitude, patience, and self-denial to discharge it in a right manner, with an encouraging prospect of success. But greater degrees of prudence, humility and meekness, mortification to the present world, holy courage, and zeal for the honor of God our Savior are necessary where any are called to minister the gospel unto those who, through a long succession of ages, have dwelt in the darkness of heathenism, have from their infancy imbibed inveterate prejudices against the Christian faith, and from time immemorial been inured to many superstitious and idolatrous practices, directly opposite to the nature and design of the gospel.

What heavenly skill is required, to convey the supernatural mysteries of the gospel into the minds of uninstructed pagans, who are “a people of a strange speech and hard language?” What deep self-denial is necessary to enable you cheerfully to forsake the pleasures of your native country with the agreeable society of your friends and acquaintances to dwell among those who inhabit not indeed the “high-ways and hedges,” but uncultivated desert and the remotest recesses of the wilderness? What unwearied zeal and diligence to proselyte those to the faith of the gospel who have quenched the light of reason and by their inhumane and barbarous practices have placed themselves upon a level with the brute creation?

Methinks I hear you crying out, “Who is sufficient for these things!” And indeed, if you had no strength to depend upon but your own, no encouragement but from human assistance, you might justly sink down in a disconsolate despair and utter the passionate language of Moses, “O my Lord, send, I pray thee, by the hand of him whom thou wilt send;” thy servant is insufficient for so great a work. But it is at the command of Christ, the great Head of the church, that you go forth; who by a train of surprising providences, has been preparing your way for this important embassy. Therefore you may be assured that He will support you in the faithful discharge of your duty, accept your unfeigned desires to promote the interests of his kingdom, and finally reward your imperfect services with his gracious approbation. You have His divine promise for your security and consolation; “Lo! I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” This will afford you light in every darkness, defense in every danger, strength in every weakness, a final victory over every temptation. If Christ be with you, in vain do the heathen rage, in vain will their confederated tribes unite their forces to obstruct and discourage you. Infinite wisdom will be your guide, almighty power your shield, and God Himself your exceeding great reward. The presence of your divine Master will make amends for the absence of your dearest friends and relatives. This will transform a wild and uncultivated desert into a paradise of joy and pleasure; and the lonely huts of savages into more delightful habitations than the palaces of princes.

Let not then any difficulties discourage, any dangers affright you. Go forth in the name and strength of the Lord Jesus, to whom you are now to be devoted in the sacred office of the ministry. “Be not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the gentile.” Let zeal for the honor of God and compassion for the souls of men animate your public discourses and private addresses to the people committed to your charge. Always remember that your character is a minister of Jesus; and therefore, with the inspired doctor of the gentiles, you “are to know nothing among them, save Christ and Him crucified.” Frequently consider that the gospel is a divine discipline to purify the heart and set up the kingdom of the Redeemer in the souls of men. Therefore it is not sufficient to bring sinners to a profession of the name of Christ and an outward subjection to the institutions of divine worship: “You are sent to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and an inheritance among them that are sanctified by faith that is in Christ.” Unless this be effected (whatever other improvements they gain) they are left under the dominion of sin, and exposed to the wrath of God. Their superior degrees of knowledge will only serve to light them down to the regions of death and misery. This then is to be the principal design of your ministry. For this you are to labor with unwearied application, and with incessant importunity to approach the throne of that God whose peculiar prerogative it is “to teach us to profit;” whose grace alone can make them “a willing people in the day of his power.”

And for your encouragement, I will only add that when I consider the many prophecies in sacred scripture of the triumphant progress of the gospel in the last ages of the world, I cannot but lift up my head with joy in a humble expectation that the day draws near, yea, is even at hand, when the promises made to the Son of God shall be more illustriously fulfilled: “when He shall have the heathen for His inheritance, and the utmost ends of the earth for His possession; when His name shall be great among the gentiles, and be honored and adored from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same.” But if the appointed time is not yet come and the attempts made to introduce this glorious day fail of desired success, “your judgment will be with the Lord, and your reward with your God.” If the gentiles “be not gathered” in, you will “be glorious in the eyes of the Lord,” who accepts and rewards his servants according to the sincerity of their desires and not according to the success of their endeavors.

Partakers of the Benefit

I shall conclude with a few words to the body of the people. God our Savior, in infinite condescension, hath sent his servants to invite you to come in, and receive the blessings which infinite wisdom has contrived, and astonishing grace prepared for your entertainment. And surely my brethren, it is your important duty and incomparable interest not to despise “the salvation of God sent unto the gentiles,” nor make light of the gospel-message to you.

God has been pleased to employ us the messengers of his grace, men of like passions with yourselves, subject to the common infirmities of human nature. But the message comes from Him, who is King of kings and Lord of lords, whom you are under the strongest obligations to hear and obey, in point of interest, gratitude, and duty.

What gracious and condescending methods has He taken to allure and invite you! Has He not descended from heaven to earth, from the boundless glories of eternity to all the sufferings and afflictions of this mortal life that He might purchase and reveal salvation, that He might engage your love and persuade you to comply with His saving designs! Does He not send His “ambassadors to beseech you in His stead, to be reconciled to God?”

What excuses have you to make that will stand the trial of an enlightened conscience or justify you at the awful tribunal of God? Will the vanishing enjoyments of sin and sense or the perishing riches of this transitory world make amends for the loss of the divine favor or support you under the terrors of eternal damnation? Are there any honors comparable to the dignity and character of a child of God, a title to the privileges of His house and family? Are there any pleasures equal to the smiles of God's reconciled face, the refreshing visits of His love, the immortal joys of His salvation?

But how deplorable, how desperate will be your case if you finally refuse the gospel-invitation and perish in your natural state of guilt and misery? The compassionate Jesus, who now addresses you in the inviting language of love, will then speak to you with the voice of terror and “swear in His wrath, that you shall never enter into His rest, that you shall never taste of His supper,” the rich provision which He has made for the eternal entertainment of His guests. “When once the Master of the house is risen up and hath shut to the door, you will in vain stand without, and knock for admission.”

In a word, Now, He declares by His servants, that “all things are ready,” and all that are bidden shall be welcome, upon their coming in, to be partakers of the benefit. The blood of Christ is now ready to cleanse you from all your guilt and pollution. His righteousness is now ready to adorn your naked souls with the garment of salvation. His Spirit is now ready to take possession of you and make you eternal monuments of victorious and redeeming grace. “The Spirit and the bride say, Come; and whosoever (of the lost and perishing sons of Adam) will, let him come,” and participate of the blessings of the gospel “freely, without money and without price.” The arms of everlasting mercy are open to receive you. The treasures of divine grace are open to supply your wants. Every one of you that now sincerely accepts this gracious invitation shall hereafter be admitted “to sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven.” For which, God of His infinite mercy prepare us all, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory and dominion world without end. Amen.

This excerpt from “A Sermon Preached in Newark, June 12, 1744 at the Ordination of Mr. David Brainerd” has been lightly updated and modernized. Interested readers are encouraged to enjoy Reverend Pemberton’s complete, unabridged text, available in PDF through Log College Press, or in the most recent edition of The Diary and Journal of David Brainerd with notes and Reflections by Jonathan Edwards.